Let Us Learn About Fraction
A Fraction means a part of a group or a region or a whole.
Fraction is defined as an element of quotient field. Fraction can be represented as " x / y " here fraction variable 'x' denotes the value called as numerator and fraction variable 'y' denotes the value called as denominator and the denominator 'y' is not equal to zero.
Thus the fraction is classified as follows,
- Simple fraction / common fraction
- Proper fraction
- Improper fraction
- Complex fraction
- Mixed number
The word fraction has been derived from the Latin word fractus, means broken.
Fraction is a type of number which is used to represent the whole by the part .
Example :
1 is a whole nuber but it could be represented as follows
1 = 1/2 + 1/2 , where 1/2 is a fraction .
1 = 1/4 + 3/4 , where 1/4 and 3/4 is a fraction
The above two examples signifies what is the fraction .
Common Fraction and Proper Fraction
Common Fractions :
common Fraction is a fraction which consists of the numerator and the denominator , in which both are natural numbers. But the denominator should neither be equal to zero nor 1 .
Example :
3/4 ,
where 3 is the numerator , 4 is the denominator and both are natural numbers .
where 8 is the numerator , 5 is the denominator and both are natural numbers .
Proper fractions:
Proper fraction is a fraction whose value is less than 1. It is a type of fraction in which the denominator is greater than numerator .
here 4 < 6 ie numerator is less than denominator and the value of it is 0.67
here 5 < 7 ie numerator is less than denominator and the value is 0.71
Improper Fraction and the Mixed Fraction
Improper Fraction :
Improper fraction is a fraction whose value is greater than or equal to 1 . It is a type of fraction in which numerator is greater than denominator .
here the numerator is greater than denominator . And the value of the factor is 1.25
here the numerator is greater than numerator . And the value of the factor is 2.34
Mixed Fraction :
Mixed fraction is a type of fraction which consists of two tpes of numbers in it namely whole number and the proper fraction in it . Its value is greater than 1 .
51/4 .
here 5 is a whole number and 1/4 is the fractional part . its value is 21/4 = 5.25
here 3 is a whole number and 2/5 is the fractional part . Its value is 17/5 = 3.4
Introduction of Fraction Minus Fraction:
Fractions are defined as the part of an object that means one and half, three by fourth like that at earliest days. Nowadays the fractions consist of numerator and denominator. For example the fraction 4/5 Here 4 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator. We can add, subtract, multiple and divide the fractions with certain procedure. Here we see how u minus the fraction from fraction.
Steps for Fraction Minus Fraction:
Step 1: Get the denominator of the fractions are the same.
Step 2: Minus the numerator of the fraction when the denominators of the fractions are same.
Step 3: after minus the numerator of the fraction, if possible the fraction can simplify. These are the procedure to minus fraction from fraction.
The fractions with regrouping are nothing but the fractions which has the formation of the understanding and easy recalling of the particular fractions can be done through the fractions. The regrouping fractions are made along the process that had done in the way which has the computation of the process. The computations of the fractions are done through the regrouping of the fractions.
In Rational:
Simple fraction:
Simple fraction is a fraction, which is composed of both numerator and denominator as whole number.
1/5, 2/7, 8/9
Proper fraction:
It is a fraction, which is composed of a numerator less than its denominator, and the value of that fraction is less than one.
3/5, 1/8, 24/25
Improper fraction:
Improper fraction is a fraction, where the top number of fraction that the numerator is greater than or equal to its own denominator (bottom number) and the value of that fraction is greater than or equal to one.
7/2, 8 /8, 45/23, 123/120
Introduction to proper fraction:
What is a fraction is fraction are a way to represent parts of a whole number . The fraction contain two parts numerator and denominator . The fraction two types proper fraction and improper fraction and also mixed fraction. There are few steps we have to do to make sure we get the correct answer anyone can read and write fractions
· Adding fractions is easy if they have common denominators
· Subtracting fractions with common denominators is a snap.
· doing with improper fractions and mixed numbers doesn’t have to be scary.
Ex : 3/4
Proper Fraction Explanation:
If the numerator in a fraction is lesser than the denominator, assuming both are positive (we will deal with harmful signs later in this sheet, the fraction is said to be a Proper Fraction. Proper fraction represents number between 0 and 1.
The base number has always been larger than the top number. The top number, which tells you how many part you have, is called the numerator. The base number, which tells you how many equal part the strip is divided into, is called the denominator. If the top number is lesser than the bottom number we always have what is called a proper fraction. Proper fraction are always less than one value.
Mixed Numbers or Mixed fractions:
Mixed numbers is a fraction which is composed of one whole number part with a fraction part. It can be represented as x y/z.
2 3/4, 1 5/7
Complex Fractions:
If a fraction is composed of numerator and denominator as a fraction, it is called complex fractions.
The complex fractions are also called as a rational expression because it has a numerator and denominator with fraction. Otherwise, the overall fraction includes at least one fraction.