Tuesday, August 31, 2010

substitution method calculator

Let us learn about substitution method calculator
Substitution method calculator used to solve an algebraic expression where we replace 1 variable by an equivalent in terms of another variable. Substitution method calculator works to get the equation & solve for the variable & substitutes the values.
Solve by using substitution method calculator.
8x + 9y = 4, - 9x + y = 20.
8x + 9y = 4 ---- (1)
- 9x + y = 20 ---- (2)
From equation (2), we get
- 9x + y = 20
y = 20 + 9x so plug this y = 20 + 9x in equation 1 & solve for x

8x + 9 (20+ 9x) = 4
8x + 180 + 81x = 4

89x + 180 = 4

89x = - 176

x = - 1.97 Plug this x value in equation 2 to find out y value.

- 9 (- 1.97) + y = 20

17.79 + y = 20

y = 2.21
Answer is x = - 1.97, y = 2.21.
In our next blog we shall learn about number line generator. I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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