Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mixture Problems as Words

We are solving the equations in mathematics always having direct problems but when we are solving the problems in the word or description format then it is known to be as mixture problems. Formation of the question or getting the problems in the form of word problems is the approach to check your analytical skills.

It is very useful in the future profits as if you go further in the studies then you have to face the Operational Research type of subject or the optimization techniques used in the process of various functional aspect of the organization.

When the problem comes in the word format then you have a better experience to do that it means that you have to do the lot of problems before attempt the problems given in your papers. As it is must to know the formats in the word problems. Algebra mixture problems are creating a mix of two or more than two things to determine something related to quantity of the mixture problems.

It is the conversion of qualitative analysis into quantitative analysis. Say for example of mixture problems in algebra like if the trains are moving in a same direction and both the speeds of the train is 7km/s then tell us the relative speed of both the trains?

This is an example of the problems which is word problem. Solving this kind of the equation you have to focus on what the question want and then proceed further to reach to the final equation.

The other part of solving the equation is form the tabular form as when the polynomial type of the equation is given and then solves it as per the logical reasoning. Mixture problems in algebra is to mix up the qualitative type of problems in a quantify manner to check the data interpretation of yours while solving this kind of problems.

As if you understand these kinds of problems then you are able to solve all the problems in the mathematics. Operation research is a big scope for good data interpreter and it works in your competitive advantage also. So try to better solve more and more number of problems based on word problems to increase your IQ level.

Few tips we want to share is use go through the problem and in rough do the analysis part what is given in the problem and then to start the solution. Procedure wise solve the question to reach the final goal what you want to achieve and make it as a sequential wise approach.

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